Christopher Street Day 2013

Finally I have the time now to write my blog entry about the CSD in Hamburg yesterday!  

I love this day so much! It's like...half a million people every age come together and being a really big family!
Everyone is smiling, dancing and having fun together!

For everyone, who don't know, what CSD is - it's one Weekend in the year, where all the gay people are fighting for their rights.
And the highlight is the parade at saturday! - I'm not lying when I say, there are about 120.000 people - gays, lesbians, transgender - and a lot of straight people to support them!
I mean - look at this.

For the parade you walk about 2 hours though the downtown of Hamburg with loud music and nice, conspicuous people.

I've been there in 2011 and I was totally in love with all those beautiful Outfits!
So I wanted to have one of them too.
I probably looked a little bit like a prostitute on the first view, but I never got so many compliments!
Everyone loved my outfit and said, that I look really cute and beautiful!
Then I felt really comfortable in this outfit! :)

So I remember there was a gay guy, knelt down in front of me, I smiled and hugged him and then he kissed my neck, told me that I am beautiful and went back while smiling constantly.
I actually don't really like to be touched by others but...this was totally OK for me - maybe not because they are gay...maybe more because I really feel like home in this crowd of people!
So went though this Gaywalk lol
And there were people putting Stickers at us like ' Your 'you' totally fits you" (of course in german) and suff like this!
Really nice!
I had a sticker with 'Muschi' - it's a german cute word for 'vagina' hahaha.  ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Oh, and I've wore highheels - holy shit, me feet hurt so much!

So, I have to tell you that beside the people walking IN the parade - there are a lot of people standing on the side and making photos.
Oh Jesus, so many photos was taken from me and Amy!
We've often stopped walking and stand in pose for a photo.
We was smiling the whole time - kinda felt like a star haha!

Some more photos like gay soccer player!

Or  a grandpa from a gay couple - his shirt says: 'Proud Dad!' with a gaycolour coloured heart!

Oh, and beautiful transvestites!

Ah, and look at this - I thought the sentence on this van is pretty perfect!
It says 'dispose spouse splitting - support where kids are at!' (I can't translate it perfectly in english, but it is about, that it doesn't matter if you are gay, straight or lesbian - EVERYONE should have the right, to adopt a child, because orphans need parents - doesn't matter, which gender. Here in germany it's already legal to get marriaged if you are gay or lesbian - but still can't adopt a child - that's what this sentence is for)

So, after walking about 2 hours (felt like 100~) we sat down on floor anywhere (where the parade ended and the party started) and had a little break haha.
We bought a beer, met some friends and went to the places, where you can an 'open air disco' haha.
Had a lot of fun till I started to feel like shit because I was fucking hungry :c
So at 18pm we went back home and cooked some sdfkwetoiwzjez delicious food!


That was probably all...oh, I can't wait for the CSD 2014 - I love this day so much!

It was a really awesome day!

ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ

2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…
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Unknown hat gesagt…

Toll jetzt wurde mein Kommentar nicht gespeichert und ich kanns nochmal schreiben =^= xD

Auf jedenfall sehr toller Blogpost und ich bin grad total stolz auf mich, dass ich alles verstanden habe *^* *Hat ne 4 in englisch* ;A;

Und ich finds nebenbei sehr toll, dass du auch dazu stehst und nicht wie viele Menschen gegen z.B Homosexuelle oder so bist ^w^ (Solchen Leuten könnten man glatt eine klatschen <w< xD)

+ Du siehst wie immer total süß aus ;w; Kawaii Yazo-chan! <3

Ich hoffe, jetzt hab ich nich 2 Kommentare hinterlassen ;.; Falls doch, gomene pwp