Heidi. Concert 2014 ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)


So I didn't post something about the Miyavi concert or..at least about my trip to London in general bc..when I took a week time I nearly forgot everything I actually did there so writing about now is really hard...
SOOOOOOOOOO I decided to write something about yesterday (17.04.14) night!

I went to the Heidi. ( ↑ if you don't know them, here they are! ↑) concert yesterday in Cologne (you might know that I live in Hamburg so driving to Cologne at first was a horrortrip of 7 hours of bus driving (;¬_¬))
Since I don't know my way around there in cologne it was a torture to find the stage on my own somehow (I met up with my friend Karu then)
I was quite nevous because...I REALLY adore Heidi. for so many years now - even if I actually listen to much harder music I always kept listening to Heidi. since I found them in...2008 I think...?
So for 5 years I annoyed my friends with "maybe Heidi. will come to Germany one day!! ;A;" Shit and now...FINALLY - it was kinda like a dream for me.
But when I sat there in front of the location and saw the band taking out their equipment I...realized that this was real.
I bought a VIP ticket so I had the pleasure of a meet and greet before...
I made a Fangift //shy hiding behind something ;;


Some German candy and a fanletter where I wrote (thanks to Nia for helping me!) that I love their music now for like 6 years and I and my other Fans are so happy that they came to Europe now - stuff like this (It's embarrassing to translate it word by word now  ಥ⌣ಥ) )
So when Kuzu and I entered the hall and went downstairs for Meet & Greet I inwardly died lol
A woman told us, that it is a Meet and Greet and we DO have time to talk with the band because everyone just took a photo and left but...guess what...
When it was my turn, I shy laughend and went to them.
Kiri (Drums) smiled at me, took a look at my shirt (actually my boobs, I swear.) and read out 'Tokyo' which was written there...WHY KIRI WHY?
He's like my favorite and I just smiled "Yeah..."
So the whole band was like "eehhhh tokyooo??" and I had to turn around so they can all take a look look at my super cool shirt aka boobs lol
So...I learnd the sentence : " 桐さんのとなりに立ちたいです!" (I want to stand next to Kiri-san) for like...10 hours before but of course u all know me - i wasn't able to say that so I stood next to Kohsuke and...Yoshihiko. Look at my happy face omg I am done haha
So when they took the photo I went upstairs to the stage - first row, Kousukes side! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Next to us were girls standing who was drinking the whole time and I was...kinda pissed - but I will tell in detail later..
The first act was "Unsayn" - a german 'girlband' - I was skeptical about that because I saw them in 2013 at the ChisaiiCon and I was like "lol nope.."
When they played their first song everyone was just...doing things on their own - some people even turned around that they were with their back to the band - excuse me but this is so rude??!?!...before the second song started Kuzu looked at me "let's escalate!!" - I felt so sorry for the band because they aren't that bad and just bc they aren't asian or things it doesn't mean you don't have to notice them bc they are there for promotion excuse meee??
So I took of my cute pigtails and ribbons and...HERE WE ARE - HEAADBAAANG!!
It was so much fun and I remember that a girl right behind me slammed so hard against my coccyx with her head that I wasn't sure for 5 seconds who got more hurt xD
After I turned around to her and she was OK, so I was.
They only played 3 songs so...after...HEIDI.!

I was really worried about..if everything will work...if fans will have fun and go crazy and things like that...
And I was kinda...not in the mood after headbanging for 3 songs to just do Furi and jump bc actually I hate it xD

So when Heidi. came up on stage I was SO positively suprised!
Fans did everything - everyone had their own space NO ONE was pushing and shit, NO ONE even tried to touch them or something, when the band bend forward the crowd, everyone took back the hand to don't touch them in an impolite way - it was awesome!
I never never never never never saw a THAT disciplined audience like that!

And I NEVER saw a SO friendly band in such a good mood - you was able to see that they were having a lot of fun and not only doing it for money or shit.

Yoshihiko also learned a little german - it was SO cute when he first took a look on his little paper and then "habut...iha...supasss??" (are you having fun?) and things like this.

When they took their little breaks to drink we all went to little annoying japanese fangirls for fun HAHAHA.

I was like "KIIIRI - KIRIKIRIKIRIKIRI SAAAN DAISUKIII!!!" in highed pitched voice and somehow he really noticed me, stood up, took a look at me, smiled and waved his hand - that was actually not planned XD

Kohsuke once took a look at me and smiled, I was singing, took a randomly look up to him and he screamed at me and I was laughing and screamed back (and I kinda was like "wtf is actually wrong with you?!??!?!?!)

So Kuzu screamed "KIMOCHI II!!" (which is actually "it feels so good..." in japanese porn) - yoshihiko who was drinking at the moment laughed, swallowed hardly and turned to kuzu grinning

I was so annoyed by my own but it was too much fun to stop that and the band also had a lot of fun when we did shit like this somehow haha.

Kuzu also screamed "Senpaaaiii! Senpaaai noooticee meee!" in a really silently moment so the whole audience started to laugh and one of the drunk girls did a highfive with Kuzu xD

So there came the point when they played 'Shinda Sekai' (It's like...'the world dies')...I sat down on stage and just watched them doing their show - Karu took my hand because I am such an emotionally wrack when it comes to that song.
Yoshihiko had SO much emotions - I don't remember when I saw a musician singing with so many feelings lately.

When the "an-co-re!" (encore) part started...we all got crazy - we growled and shoutet and beat with our hands or beer bottles like hooligans on the stage but the band was positively suprised when they came out again. XD

Kiri took a paper and read "purisu...bai...aur...merch!!" *proud smile* (please buy our merch)
Such a cute piece of shit...

I was happy that their songs wasn't actually just furis and jumping - we had a lot of headbang times ahaha
But the baby moshpit was the escalation from hell haha

The whole right side was like "ewww go away don't do that u brats" - and the whole left side was like "yeeaaaah moooshpiiittt!!" - so the leftside first 3-4 rows joined us - it seemed like no one was mad with us for doing that - they all stand around us and smiled and had fun by only watching us.
So Kuzu, Me and the drunken girls seemed to had the most fun at all haha
It didn't matter where we stand then if we actually were in the first row and after moshpit in the third - it wasn't matter at all haha
I got hurt so often without even noticing. I even lost one of my hair extension XD
At the end we all hugged each other, we took care the whole time if everyone was okay and...god it was SO much fun I really didn't expect that!

When the band left the stage there was a japanese nerdy staff and me and one of the girls bend forward "すみませぇぇーん!!水!!" (EXCUUUSEE MEEE!! WATEER!!) because there was a full bottle of water and we were thirsty as shit and he was like "lol nope" and did his stuff...bastard ;A;

After we went back downstairs for signing session so...I already bought photoset and a shirt and...
we still looked okay, didn't we?
When it was my turn at the signing session at first there was Nao
I smiled brightly "Hi!!" - he smiled at me, signed the photo and took my little hand with his both hands ‘どもありがとう!‘ (thank you very much) he whispered from the bottom of his heart (I swear) and I smiled while bow down a little.
So I took a step to Yoshihiko - he looked at me, bowed down a little and then took his own shirt with two fingers "Thank you!" he smiled and I laughed "You are welcome..." (he wanted to thank me, that I bought their shirt ^^)
Next one was Kohsuke - he was all chillin around, he had his beer - he was happy HAHAHAHA
He also took both of my hands and thanked me - I also thanked him!
So...last one was Kiri - I took all my shit together!
Me: " 桐さんは本当にかわいいです!" *smiles* (you are really cute!)
Kiri: " えぇぇ???" *takes a little look up while signing the photo* 本当に? (ehh? Really??)
Me: " はーはい!" (Yeees!!)
Kiri " あなたの日本語は非常に良いです!" *looks at me smiling very bright* (You're japanese is really good!) 
Me: "えぇぇぇー???" *didn't understand anything acoustically and bend forward* (eeehh?) 
Kiri: "Your...japanese is...good!" *tries to say it in english very nervously*
Me: "あぁぁ!わかった!ありがとうございます!" *nearly died, laughs hysterically and bows down* (Ahh! I understand! Thank you!)
Kiri: "ありがとう" *smiles and gave back the photo, then shakes hand* (Thank you) 

I think that's it...by the way - this was the first concert I was able to have conversations in japanese a little and I was kinda proud of me because the hard learning was worth it xD
after I slept at Karu's place and took a 10 hours way back home today...I am...not even have having a post-concert-depression...I am still happy about that great experience, the band, the audience - everything and everyone who made that concert unforgetable for me! ♥