Great Weekend - Rockspektakel in Hamburg

So today (sunday) I want to tell you a little bit about my weekend ^-^

On friday after school I met my friend Amy and we went home haha
She hadn't got Internet at home so at first I've shown her all the new J-Rock PV's ahahha
And she has shown me a new Lycaon (Band) Live where Yuuki sings with his mother hahaha - she couldn't watch this without me holding her hand haha xD

So I really love how we can talk about so many bands and showing each other new bands or songs haha   

Later we wanted something sweet so she made 'pancakes' - she's quit good in cooking haha.
One of our pancakes looked like a octopus so we write on it with nutella "Grow Test Kraken" (it's a song from Black gene for the next scene, a Band we really like) 
We considered about posting this pancake in Twitter for the band but haven't done.
We wanted to make a penis-lycaon pancake too and sending it to satoshi but finally we haven't done this too haha...(sometimes I feel like I'm not even 10 years old or something xD)
So on saturday we went to the 'Rockspektakel' in Hamburg - it's an Open Air Rock/Metal concert for free at 'Rathausmarkt'.
I was quit sad because there was a few people and Amy told me, last year there was a looooot more.
Whatever - at first we just sat there and listen to a french/german punkrock Band.
They weren't bad but...whatever - not my taste of music at all.

An old married couple dance the whole time - that was really cute haha

After this band Venatic occured - the first and only metalband this day.
I have to say that they were pretty good but the audience was shitty.

Soooo...actually Amy and me were the only ones who really celebrated and were headbanging at all.
Really...I mean it...all the people sat on the floor, drank their beer and well...listened..
And then there was Amy and me in the frist row - a pink haired girl and me with my long extension which goes to my ass banging the hell out of us (I mean our head lol..)
We doesn't even care about everybody is watching at us - this was so much fun.

We hold our hands, stand in front of each other and sirfkweotitjetow - so nice!

Sometimes I felt kinda uncomfortable because drunk bummer stand behind me and looked at us in this disgusting sexual way.
But somehow I feel safe when Amy is besides me - when someone is talking to us she is the one wo talks and always says that I'm her girlfriend so they should flirt haha

After Venatic 'Massendefekt appears and...somehow hundreds of people came - I just know the band by name but seems like all the people were there because of this band.
I have to say, that they were terrible.
I just hate Punkrock and GERMAN punkrock is a way more worse haha

Just my opinion.

So we walked away met some friends, stayed with them for 1-2 hours until we went back home.

Oh and our Outfits hahaha...

Oh and before people may hating me anonymously on now, that I became "fat" and whatever.
Yes, I gained about 5 Kilo in the last 3-4 months and this is pretty good so stop trying to ruin my self-esteem because I'm working really hard for this.

love you  (´ ▽`).。o♡

3 Kommentare:

Claire hat gesagt…

Ich find's toll das du etwas zugenommen hast, es steht dir sehr gut :3 Lass dich bloß nicht von diesen fuckin' hadern beeinflussen, die sind nur neidisch weil du geiler bist als die xDD =^.^=
Und WOOHOO :D Eure Outfits sind voll toll *-*

リウ hat gesagt…

Du bist total "fett"! oô WTF?!
Wenn das einer sagt, der hat eine Meise, würde ich wohl mal sagen :)
Du siehst ganz normal aus und das ist auch gut so!
Die Outfits sind wirklich klasse (^^)

Venatic hat gesagt…

Ihr beiden wart auf jeden das Highlight in der Crowd!

Falls Ihr am 29.08. noch nichts vorhabt, kommt doch im Rock Café rum und feiert mit uns den vorerst letzten Hamburg-Gig dieses Jahr:

Cheers, Venatic