Gazette world tour 2013 (Germany) - Part 2 - the concert in Dortmund

Feel free to read part one (the day's in front of the hall) too.

We sat down on the floor and waited those 2,5 hours left to the concert.

I really get angry when people already started to push and scream when there were only staffs at the stage tuning the instruments.
Whenever I saw people with cameras I screamed that they have to put back their fucking mobil/camera because it was strictly prohibited - guys, is it so hard to follow rules?
If Gazette is your fucking favorite band then just respect their request to not taking photos or videos!

Mo, Tami and Mizu stand in front of Aoi so when the stage was emty I leaned over the barrier and screamed

"MOOO!" - "JA?" - "OOOB DU BEEHINDERT BIST!!!" ("Are you stupid?" - we screamed 'ob du behindert bist' the whole time we waited for the concert and if you say this really aggressive it sounds really funny xD) - "JA BIN ICH!!" (yes I am)

So we had a lot of fun haha - Mo and Mizu screamed 'Kaolu' one time when the staffs leaved haha

I guess Jay (B7Klan) made a speech before the concert started "Please be gently to each other - do not take photos" bla bla.

Then the Intro ( I guess it was [XI]) started and I get so fucking nervous, clapping my hands - so then finally Kai arrived and everyone screamed and I was like "is this fucking real?!" and then I saw Uruha and started to shake so badly - I just realized I really see Gazette - my favorite band for so many years - directly in front of me.
They were so beautiful - more beautiful than on photos - omg.

I remember the Setlist perfectly I think
it was so much fun, headbanging, little bit hand-furi and to scream "I don't wanna become the fucking garbage like you!"
I got an elbow in my's still swollen
02. Leech
headbanging, headbanging, headbanging - and jumping haha - this was terrible in the first row because I can't move easily.
03. Before I decay
I guess at this song the first girls were lifted out the crowd from the security...
I love this song so much - so much party haha!
THIS - when the 'pain - grudge - sorrow - fury - delete - headache - hang up - dizzy' part started the whole hall clapped their hands and jumped omg it was so much fun!
I was angry that everyone screamed when the quit part at the beginning (like for example at MELT) started - but Ruki's moves were so...fascinating...I couldn't take my eyes off. This song was perfect - everything was perfect - particularly the transition to Dripping Insanity
I just took Domi's hand because this is the song she loves the most - it was really beautiful - I tried to look to Uruha more often but Ruki was so...gripping that I couldn't somehow.
I was sad, that the audience screamed at the end.
I know, dripping insanity doesn't sound like a sad song but the lyrics is really sad and beautiful.
One of my favorite songs - I folded my hands and just tried to listen to it - to enjoy it.
This was impossible because about 4 people were lifted right next to me so all the time I had an ass in my face and helped a little to put them over the barrier.
At the end Uruha looked to me and I just closed my eyes and a tear ran down my cheek because of this song - everytime I felt sick I listened to this song and now this 5 boys stand in front of me and performed was an 
indescribably feeling.
'of course' everyone screamed at the end again and we in the first row just clapped so loud and long that it was silent really fast and everyone did the same - just clapping.
At first it was hard to handle my 'untitled'-feelings but - it was so much fun to scream the "t-t-this derangement" part haha - I really love this song..the lyric everything - but in my head I already was one step further haha
10. Headache Man
THIS - WAS - SO - MUCH - FUN! - I felt excited for this song the whole time because the "We are the cause of your headache" part ist SO much fun omg guys I can't hahaha
I have to say, I don't really remember this but I know that after Headache Man a lot of people had to lift out from the crowd - maybe the reason why I don't really remember this song haha..
12. Cockroach
The headbang part..guys..omg P-E-R-F-E-C-T!
Unfortunately my friend amy collapsed (because a girl behind her hit her elbow into her rips that she can't breathe) so a security took her away 
omg SO many people tried to reach her place in the first row then haha...
I just took Domi's arm and move up to her.

13. Filth in the beauty

Do I have to say something to this song?I was sad that we have to do this without Amy but...OMG JMKWERIWEJTE - it was so exhausting but so much fun!

- break -
I drank so much omg hahaha I've never seen a security gave so much water the whole concert haha
I was really wet (I mean wet...not horny lol) and omg.
After Nia was gone too, Domi and I held hands and promised that we will survive the full encore - WE HAVE TO.
We didn't ate much before the concert because we couldn't and Amy said, we will be the first one who will collapse - HAH!

So we clapped our Hands - "an-co-re  -- an-co-re" - about...I don't know...10 Minutes?!

Finally they came back.

Enc1. Shiver
I don't really like this song because of's so...swallowed...every little anime fangirl knows it haha..

Enc2. Ruder

I couldn't noticed this song because I tried to put out my hair ties that I can finally bang perfectly at 'Linda' haha - I just screamed the "RUDER" part - I hope the senpais won't be angry because I doesn't noticed them for 2 minutes (lol I'm so funny)

Enc3. Linda ~Candydive Pinky Heaven~

THIS - almost the first row done the whole furi and the band was really happy about that I think - that song Ruki and Uruha noticed us the most haha - Uruha just stand in front of us and...guys...his lips - this is unbelievable..
His toenails were covered with black nailpolish...if anyone is interested in this fact lol
And Reita swung his bass like always - his little chubbyface looked so cute haha
Kai smiled the whole time and Aoi is a little latin loverboy who flirted with the audience

After they throw in their stuff they leaved with "knockin on heavens door" - I was like "wtf...who chose this song?!" haha
Domi got a bottle cap from Ruki and she was so happy about it!

Domi and I started to cry and hugged each other - we just sank down to the floor - arm in arm - I just gripped my hand deeply in her wet hair and she put her arms tight around my waist and we cried because we were so fucking happy.

When we leaved we met all - Mo,Tami, Amy, Nia - we all hugged - this was so beautiful!

It was so full that we couldn't leave the hall until Mo passed us really fast screaming "GO AWAY I NEED TO PUKE!" - we laughed, I clinged on her and we went out perfectly haha.

At first we ran to REWE to buy some drink and smoke - everything was so perfect - I just hugged some other people I met there.

When Nia and I wanted to take the bags from a girls car, we passed Jonathan, a boy we know from Hamburg.
We stopped and Nia wispered "he catched a plec from Uruha"
I turned to him and he went backwards with a big smirk.
I just followed him "please wait...I won't hurt u or something I just want to take a look at it.."
So he stopped and gave me the plec - when I held it into me hands I started to cry
Nia said, that it's not fair, because I love him so much really gently and Jonathan smiled and said, that I can take it...
I never was that happy...I hugged him crying "thank you so much oh my god.."

Then we wanted to continue our walk to the car but after 2 meters I started to cry so badly and Nia stopped and put her hands around my waist very tight.
We just stand right directly on the street and the cars were waiting to pass but I couldn't calm down so I went back to Domi.
She just saw me crying and shaking : "oh my god - what happened?!"
I opened my hand that she can see the plec and fell down on my knees into her arm.
"omg - whose is it?" - "Uruha's"
She held me closely and Mo patted my head.
I was the happiest Girl alive I think.


At all I think, Dortmund wasn't that good - for me in general it was really great to see them so close and dunno - but I seriously think the audience wasn't that good - the sound was shitty - the hall was really small - so many people had to lift out because they collapsed - everyone was pushing - actually it was terrible - my rips were blue and I couldn't breath normaly after.
And I felt like the band doesn't really had fun at all .

Gazette world tour 2013 (Germany) - Part 1 - our 5 days in Dortmund.

It's been a while.
At first I have to say - YES - my friends and I were those "14 years old smelling girls who want to have sex with the members and who already were there on Saturday"

Well, that's what all your rumors in the worldwide internet said - actually we were there of course for standing in the first row - but none of us want to have sex with the members or something.

We're not that kind of groupie or fangirl - we just wanted to see the men we really 'love' for a so long time, not only because they're looking plendid, nearby.
And I have to say, in the aspect that we were in Dortmund and Munich - and we stand in the first row in Dortmund and in the last row in Munich - Munich was the better concert at all but I will tell you detailed about it later
We're all in the age of 17-20 and we were taking showers of course, brushing our teeths - stuff like this.
I don't know why so many people in Europa thought they have the right to talk about what other people do.
I hate those "u're just jealous" talk - but honestly I think a lot of people were really jealous because they saw that there is no chance for them to go for the first row.
I mean, the next 5 People came one day after us lol.
So please stop talking so much fucking shit - sure we know, it is crazy to go there 5 days earlier, it was pretty stupid too - but it was worth it an none of you have the right to talk so much shit about it.
Keep it times at themselves.

So now - I will tell you a little bit about everything!

Have fun!


So we started at Saturday 00:30 AM and drove about...I don't know...6-7 hours to Dortmund?!
What i definately know is that we reached the hall FZW at 8.20 AM haha.

Dortmund is really ugly but we had everything we needed.
A supermarket - Mcces 10-15 minutes away for going to toilet and...yeah...

so the first day we just chilled.
Actually 2 friends who were in Paris before wanted to come too but they didn't so a friend from Duisburg brought coffee to us and we chilled the whole day long haha

at 20.00PM there was a concert in the hall, it was actually quite cool to listen to the music of it haha.
About 50-100 people asked us what the fuck we are doing here but actually everyone thought it is quite cool and worthy of respect.

3 young student girls offered us that we can take a shower at their flat - it's only 10 minutes away.
They were so nice!

So at 23.00PM the "Rabenschwarze Nacht" (pitch-black night) be honest...this was a little bit creepy - something like a 'fetish-party" hahaha.
A lot of Gothics etc - well actually it was cool to watch them because their outfit's looked really nice!

So when everybody tried to sleep, Domi and I took the first night watch - we wrote RPG the whole time, talked a little bit with the manager and stuff like this.
The music from the party was terrible, actually we just heard the bass haha.
Then a older man came to us and asked for a cigarette - we talked with him about 2 hours at all, he told us about his japanese friend, his favorite band - and we told him about our preferences and favorite band.
Actually he drank so much, he had to be so fucking drunk...but he wasn't...he was really kind and at 2-3 AM he bought a coffee at the inside/party and gave it to us - what a nice guy!

The party ended at sunday 6:00 AM and a woman gave muffins and a bottle champagne to us - it was her birthday I think - really nice!

So Kiara took the night watch and Domi and I fell asleep.


Sunday actually was pretty boring the whole day - I slept until...I don't know...10-11 AM?
Not really long because Domi took my blanket and I woke up because it was so cold haha.

When I woke up I noticed that I get a cold so I was kinda pissed because I was afraid to get fever before the concert.

It was quite boring the whole day.
I guess at 16:00 PM a girl came from Essen I think to gave me a little soft toy for my mobile and kellogs smacks because she read on ask that I like them xD

She sat with us a while, we talked an listened to music and at 17:00 PM Mo Senpai and Tami finally arrived from Paris haha.

Tami went back home for 2 days because she was really ill and had to go to school or something - I don't know.

For 2-3 hours Mimi from Duisburg brought new Coffee and 2 more Girls came - so we were about 8-9 people on Sunday.

The two girls slept in their car and we had a lot of fun with Mo Senpai - for example with her horse masks haha

and we played some games until we fell asleept expect from Domi and me who took the night watch again lol...we wrote RPG the whole time.


We all woke up at 7:00 AM because there were construction work at the opposite of the hall.
Omg it was so terrible noisy.

4 geman girls with two japanese girls came - 5 girls from Finnland and 2 from poland - omg so we were about 22 pople on monday.

We didn't talked much to them so...yeah...I don't know.
I remember one of the german girls from the Deathgaze concert and one of the Polish girls was a big Uruha fangirl - and they were there with their mother I think who came every hour to watch for them.

Mo senpai had a fever and her friend Kuzu and we cared for her - actually she slept the whole monday haha

Oh - and Nia, Kiara an Amy went to one of the student girls for taking a shower ^-^

I guess it was the night were Ruki posted on Twitter "Hi Köln" and we were kinda excited haha.
He really wrote Köln...with ö...not cologne... first german post!


We had a really big and great breakfast - I really mean it, it was wonderful! haha

After that we chilled a little and then Domi, Mo and I drove to Kuzu for taking a Shower - omg we drove without a ticket with the train - so two stations before we had to exit there was a control so we quickly left the train lol

We walked those last two stations, met Kuzu and took a shower at her home.
She gave me so many flyer from japan - I'm so fucking happy! T^T

After we finished, we wanted to go back with the bus - we bought a ticket for a short route where was written you can drive with it for 30 minutes...
ha...hahaha...ha...after two stations the busdriver tossed us out and we walked to the next trainstation - omg this was karma - I mean it.

At least 5-10 more people arrived I think - I'm not


Well - Concertday!
We get up at 6 AM I think - I just remember, that when I woke up, to girls stand in front of the door saying "we don't know were we have to stand" - srsly?
We, who were already there, formed a perfect line.
This happened 2 more times lol.
Two girls said they are from Poland, when we ask them to please go away - so a polish girl came and tried to talk with them but suddenly they don't understand!

Whatever, they went back.

I think at 8 AM Mo, Mizu, Nia, Amy and I went to Mcces and straighted our hair.
We came back at 9.30 AM an the barrier was already set up...what the fuck...I mean...8 hours left for the VIP

So only one or two of us sat there behind the barrier in the first row and the rest done hair and make up~

At...dunno...13 PM the Tourbus arrived - me, tami and Amy stand directly on the street so the bus couldn't pass - at first we where confused because we saw that there were already two busses - but then we leave the street.
Probably  Aoi senpai will remember me as the fat girl standing on the street and blocking the way haha

So then, a friend asked for me and Amy so we went there - I was kinda pissed off, how many people stand in front of the fence stalking Gazette while leaving the Tourbus - I randomly saw Kai and Kaolu when I passed and went for a friend .
I have to say: Kaolu, u'r bjutifuru bitch - please do my make up and hair.


About 16 PM the fanwar started because so many people let their friends stand with them - for example those both polish girls - unexpectedly they were 8 polish! hahaha
So the german girls behind them started a fight lol
Even we, who were standing right at the first place and actually don't need to care about what happens behind us, tried to managed this little war.
One girl screamed: "You are in fucking germany and you have to do what we want!"
It surely sounds a little germany...hahaha but the girls nearly cried and went back behind.

so then the GFC member had to take their passes - that was kinda complicated to but I have to say - my girls really managed this - when the GFC member went back from the line, of course the VIP people catched up - so we tried to take care for where they stand and screamed, that everyone should go back a little, that everyone can go back to their old place - a lot of work but it worked lol.

Then I wanted to go to the toilet lol
So Nia, a girl we met there and I started to walk and suddenly two japanese staffs with cameras followed us (am I creepy that I know one of them from MELT?)
He asked me for an interview and I was like 'no...' because I don't wanted but then he somehow talked so much and started the interview - I don't even noticed hahaha
He asked questions in english, I had to answer in german and then translate it again in english for him.
I...just talked so much shit omg...this..was so...embarrassing...
But he was really nice - he told me I look cute and said thank just wanted to pee :c

we waited until 17.30 pm - then our entry started - I gave my ticket and was the 4th person who entered this fucking hall.
I actually walked really slowly to Amy, Nia and Domi - but when we stand there - at the first row perfectly in front of Ruki - we just hugged each other and cried because we were so happy everything really worked like we expected it.
We fucking did it!

Great Weekend - Rockspektakel in Hamburg

So today (sunday) I want to tell you a little bit about my weekend ^-^

On friday after school I met my friend Amy and we went home haha
She hadn't got Internet at home so at first I've shown her all the new J-Rock PV's ahahha
And she has shown me a new Lycaon (Band) Live where Yuuki sings with his mother hahaha - she couldn't watch this without me holding her hand haha xD

So I really love how we can talk about so many bands and showing each other new bands or songs haha   

Later we wanted something sweet so she made 'pancakes' - she's quit good in cooking haha.
One of our pancakes looked like a octopus so we write on it with nutella "Grow Test Kraken" (it's a song from Black gene for the next scene, a Band we really like) 
We considered about posting this pancake in Twitter for the band but haven't done.
We wanted to make a penis-lycaon pancake too and sending it to satoshi but finally we haven't done this too haha...(sometimes I feel like I'm not even 10 years old or something xD)
So on saturday we went to the 'Rockspektakel' in Hamburg - it's an Open Air Rock/Metal concert for free at 'Rathausmarkt'.
I was quit sad because there was a few people and Amy told me, last year there was a looooot more.
Whatever - at first we just sat there and listen to a french/german punkrock Band.
They weren't bad but...whatever - not my taste of music at all.

An old married couple dance the whole time - that was really cute haha

After this band Venatic occured - the first and only metalband this day.
I have to say that they were pretty good but the audience was shitty.

Soooo...actually Amy and me were the only ones who really celebrated and were headbanging at all.
Really...I mean it...all the people sat on the floor, drank their beer and well...listened..
And then there was Amy and me in the frist row - a pink haired girl and me with my long extension which goes to my ass banging the hell out of us (I mean our head lol..)
We doesn't even care about everybody is watching at us - this was so much fun.

We hold our hands, stand in front of each other and sirfkweotitjetow - so nice!

Sometimes I felt kinda uncomfortable because drunk bummer stand behind me and looked at us in this disgusting sexual way.
But somehow I feel safe when Amy is besides me - when someone is talking to us she is the one wo talks and always says that I'm her girlfriend so they should flirt haha

After Venatic 'Massendefekt appears and...somehow hundreds of people came - I just know the band by name but seems like all the people were there because of this band.
I have to say, that they were terrible.
I just hate Punkrock and GERMAN punkrock is a way more worse haha

Just my opinion.

So we walked away met some friends, stayed with them for 1-2 hours until we went back home.

Oh and our Outfits hahaha...

Oh and before people may hating me anonymously on now, that I became "fat" and whatever.
Yes, I gained about 5 Kilo in the last 3-4 months and this is pretty good so stop trying to ruin my self-esteem because I'm working really hard for this.

love you  (´ ▽`).。o♡

Photoshoot, Heresy and renovation!

I know, I know - I'm not blogging very often - but I will try to blog more regulary...I feel like I have to write a really long and big text, when I'm blogging about something but I haven't, right?
It's enough if I just write a short story about something, isn't it?

Well, the first thing I want to show you are some photos, we've done at the 18th.August!
"We" are Yasemin and I (yes, her name is identically with mine haha).
A friend of us wanted to take some pictures so we tried to find a motto for it and we decided some "Harajuku-Fashion" for those photos...
I'm not pretty good in this but I think, by and large the photos looks really nice!

My undoubtedly favorite is this one:

We took about 300 pictures but this one is my one and only favorite haha...

It was really fun to make those photos - we stand in the middle of the street and one of my friends sat beside the road and took care for our bags - she told us, when people past her they were talkin like: "They are from know...those...chinese" hahahaha.

Some random photose are for example this ones!


Well then...guys...


You know what that means ? - I'm an official part of the Gazette Fandome now!
or something...
Whatever - I joined the Heresy fanclub at - dunno...thursday? for 45€.
Some of you might know, that Heresy changed, so not only people from Japan can join.
I'm so done - I mean...I will have a heresy membership card in my portmonai!! 

Okay - I need to calm my tits. (what tits?!)

Oh, and by the way - if you haven't watch it by now and you'll go to the Gazette concerts in Germany - please watch this! ^_^

Oh - and last but not least - beautiful deformity will release at 20.10.2013.
Limited Edition fo ¥8,765...


That's about 88$ and 66€ I think.
Are they serious?! Money, what is money?

Okay okay - enough now...


Soooo - I just startet to renovate my room!
We started with colour and wallpaper..
look - cute, isn't it?

Well, unfortunately we had to put away the wallpaper again because we had the wrong paste...
We'll make it again in two days!

The first night after that my room was like this:

Well...everthing I need haha.
Except from a door and a lamp haha :c

The next day I built up my now I have a mattress and a desk in my room xD

I'll make a new roomtour when I finished everyhting! ^-^

so that's all by now - see u! :3