Photoshoot, Heresy and renovation!

I know, I know - I'm not blogging very often - but I will try to blog more regulary...I feel like I have to write a really long and big text, when I'm blogging about something but I haven't, right?
It's enough if I just write a short story about something, isn't it?

Well, the first thing I want to show you are some photos, we've done at the 18th.August!
"We" are Yasemin and I (yes, her name is identically with mine haha).
A friend of us wanted to take some pictures so we tried to find a motto for it and we decided some "Harajuku-Fashion" for those photos...
I'm not pretty good in this but I think, by and large the photos looks really nice!

My undoubtedly favorite is this one:

We took about 300 pictures but this one is my one and only favorite haha...

It was really fun to make those photos - we stand in the middle of the street and one of my friends sat beside the road and took care for our bags - she told us, when people past her they were talkin like: "They are from know...those...chinese" hahahaha.

Some random photose are for example this ones!


Well then...guys...


You know what that means ? - I'm an official part of the Gazette Fandome now!
or something...
Whatever - I joined the Heresy fanclub at - dunno...thursday? for 45€.
Some of you might know, that Heresy changed, so not only people from Japan can join.
I'm so done - I mean...I will have a heresy membership card in my portmonai!! 

Okay - I need to calm my tits. (what tits?!)

Oh, and by the way - if you haven't watch it by now and you'll go to the Gazette concerts in Germany - please watch this! ^_^

Oh - and last but not least - beautiful deformity will release at 20.10.2013.
Limited Edition fo ¥8,765...


That's about 88$ and 66€ I think.
Are they serious?! Money, what is money?

Okay okay - enough now...


Soooo - I just startet to renovate my room!
We started with colour and wallpaper..
look - cute, isn't it?

Well, unfortunately we had to put away the wallpaper again because we had the wrong paste...
We'll make it again in two days!

The first night after that my room was like this:

Well...everthing I need haha.
Except from a door and a lamp haha :c

The next day I built up my now I have a mattress and a desk in my room xD

I'll make a new roomtour when I finished everyhting! ^-^

so that's all by now - see u! :3

2 Kommentare:

Fallen Angel hat gesagt…

oh mein... warum muss das Album so teuer sein ;____; wieso hab ich nie Geld wenn ich es brauche T____T

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey yazoo,
ich dencke es reicht schon wenn du kleine sachen erzählst, ich freue mich zumindest schon darüber :)
Die Bilder mit Yasmin finde ich wirklich sehr hübsch und ich hoffe das dein Zimmer bal fertig ist.