JAPAN 2015 / Part 3

Day 5 - Is this what a fucking Thyphoon looks like?!

So this day was probably the strangest? Like there is not really much to tell you - I didn't hear Eric's alarm this time so I slept pretty long unfortunately haha
And there was a fucking thyphoon warning for today so all I did was leaving the house when Nia's lesson was over and we met to walk a bit in the Happo-En Garden in...wow I don't remember...close to Shirokanedai Station.
The guy at the entrance was super friendly - Nia only said "hey" and he was like "Omg wow! dat japanese skills!!" so they talked a bit about...I'm not sure but Nia told him she is a Student at the University close to the park and things - so he gave us a plan and asked if we need an umbrella - we didn't take one and went in haha.
This garden was really calm and beautiful - it was perfect to just relax.
There were Bonzai's and the oldest of it was 520y old...like WOW haha

It felt like hours what we spend to watch the koi carps haha it was just super interesting somehow.
So after we went back to Nia's dorm - it was always really nice there, the people were really friendly and I went up to her room to straight my hair because I absolutely refused to use Eric's flat iron, since I have a really expensive and good haar strightener and his one sucks a lot hahahah (I took the wrong adapter for the socket with me :( )
So I straightened my hair and then we made up walking a bit to a cute little shopping street because I really needed something to remove my make up - God bless 100¥ stores haha
Also we went in a store, where they sell oversea shit - pretty expensive but whatever.
I bought a small glass of german Kühne gherkins and since my throat was still hurting, a pack of Ricola drops - for together 8€ lmao
I said "Bye" to Nia after that because I wanted to make it home before the Thyphoon starts.
So yeah, when I arrived home, Eric was already there. It was his only free evening and then there was this fucking weather outside lol
He friendly asked, if I bought something nice and I was like "YES I DID!!" and took out the gherkins, and a choco cake and kitkat and also and egg and his eyes said somthing like "you're pregnant?" lmao
Anyway, we stayed the night at home (we didn't have a choice), drank a little bit (never try Whisky girls, it's terrible) and sat in the kitchen, smoking and talking about this and that
We kinda prayed that he don't have to work the other day because of the Thyphoon but the school didn't contact him haha
So yeah - a pretty nice two man sit-in

Day 6 - "I need this fucking dress!!" - "It's 80.000¥" - ".....I actually don't really need this dress."

So this day, I got up...pretty earlie I think? It was super hot and I wasn't able to sleep, was probably awake more than half of the night -A-
There was an earthquak around 6am but since Eric's house is like made out of paper and it even shakes when a pedestrian passes, I didn't really notice it. 
We both watched japanese "Good Morning/Breakfast/whatever - TV" like "oh look, there was an earthquak.." lol
So after he went off to work, I ate my breakfast - and since I am super mega german I tried the closest thing to bread I found in his flat lol 
So I ate crackers with the egg I bought yesterday, a Caffé Latte from 7/11 and my german gherkins. And since I didn't find forks in his kitchen, I took the fucking chopsticks and ate my gherkins with it like a pregnant japanese woman lol
So after I went back to bed, slept for a few hours and got ready to meet with Nia.
I was also finally able to take the train and listen to music haha
Before I was afraid to miss my station and shit but after already 2 days I knew everything and was even able to read all the Kanji's or understand the announcements in train. So learning a language in the country is so much easier than taking lessons and shit v.v
So we just met, smoked and went to the Shibuya 109 which is a big shopping center (one for girls and one for boys) with like...7 floors of only stores or more...small boutiques.
I forced her to go there because I saw a dress the day I've been out with the two german girls and when we saw it I was like "NIA! This is it!! look at it!" and Nia was like "Hm yeah it's cute, would fit you" so we took a look at the prize...I think it was about 80.000¥ or more, I don't remember
"Omg Nia...I...don't need this dress anymore lol". But Nia was all like "c'mon we came here for that dress, at least try it, maybe you will regret it later"...so we asked for the size because there only was M but they didn't have S anymore :(
So...that dress was so perfect but well, that was it hahaha
So we continued walking and then I found another store but, like I said in my last post, I'm really shy and the stores there are really small and the store staffs/seller are immediately start talking to you and won't stop haha so I was like "yeah that dress is cute but nah I don't wanna go to that store" 
Nia really had to force me and of course in 0,0345secs the staff was next to us like "oh yeah this is a really cute dress? You wanna try it? or this, look at this!" and held up another and we were like "stop! please...we...just want to look" haha He said "ah yes sure!" but after a minute he came back lol
So I tried on this dress, just in case haha. I even took off my shoes this time before I went in the fitting room and funniest thing ever I learned about Japan this time is, that in such little stores, you have to take a bag over your head while trying the clothes so no make up will relay on the clothes haha
So I stood in this fucking fitting room with no shoes and a fucking cotton bag over my head and face haha yeah, anyway the seller was so fucking annoying that I bought this dress haha (It's also cute but...lol)
After we looked in a few more stores but nope haha then we went to McDonalds, which I really adore in Japan because I always take a happy meal and instead of fries you can take warm maize - I LOVE MAIZE HAHA ;A;
So yeah, we sat there, eating and talking, and after I actually planned on going to Harajuku because i wasn't sadisfied with my shopping tour but I was just too tired for - so we said bye to each other, I went back to Osaki, bought a lot of food at 7/11 because I knew, I will be alone for a long time cause he got to work pretty long that day haha.
It was soooo hot that day omg - so I just set the aircon on 17°C and took a nap lol
Woke up 2-3 hours later, it was already dark and around...8pm I think.
So I took a shower, made a fucking bun, took on my glasses, all the food on the table and watched Big Hero 6 again lol
I just love that movie, he recommended it like a few months ago like "watch it watch it, it was first movie I cried at lol" and I was like "Fucking hell? Pussy?" but I cried my soul out while watching this movie then HAHAHAHA
So his reaction when I said that I'm watching Big Hero 6 again was pretty funny lol.
Yeah, after that I watched Frozen again haha he still wasn't home at 11pm so I started to watch Lion King. I never knew it is in britisch english, I was so in love haha
But anyway, somehow fell asleep while watching it on the small couch haha :<
Think he came at...2-3 am...?

2 Kommentare:

Sophie hat gesagt…

Bist du nächstes Jahr wieder in Japan? :D

Dalian Yui hat gesagt…

Wow! I'm so jealous.
I'm planning to visit Japan in two years when I'm done with school.